Woolly Aphid - Apple

Apple Apple


What kind of disease is this.......and suggest cure

Yellow spots on leaf and heavy droppings.......


Yellowing of leaves is a normal aging process before leaf fall. But its too early for that. It is most likely to be a nutrition deficiency. You can do soil analysis and leaf analysis for that. Some chemicals like ethrel, some fungicide could make some leaves yellow. And for fruit dropping, cool climate can extend the June drop period (planofix could help). You can read this. https://web.extension.illinois.edu/cfiv/homeowners/070828.html


Hi Arvind Sharma there are Woolly Aphid at your apple tree. Have a look on the red sign in the picture Click on the green link to get more informations and control measures on the plantix libary.


Hi Arvind Sharma this is not a disease Majoko is right this is Woolly Aphid control is very easy lacewing is predator of this insect to remove this from your plant is very easy lambdacylothrine, chloropyriphos, and dimethoate work well in this 3.5 ml chloropyriphos mix in 1 ltr water and spray on it in 2 hours it will die thanks for visiting plantix


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Thank you for your advise......i have sprayed chloropyriphos 5 days ago....but i need cure for these yellowish leaf.............


Arvind Sharma for this spray sulpher by fmc or coppor oxychloride also work in this if you use coppor just use by fmc or syngenta 3 gm per 1 ltr do not use overdose coppor in high temprature just use 3 gm and if you using sulpher just 5 per 1 ltr of water


Thanks sir........


Arvind Sharma yellow leaf with black spot is marsonina.. You will go for tebuconazole.. For control of wolly apple aphid spray metasystox.. If you spray chlorpyriphos there is problem of mite in orchard...


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