What is problem of that leaf which is middle of this picture ?
Leafs are small and thin and some places is apple dark point just like dark point
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Learn more about PlantixLeafs are small and thin and some places is apple dark point just like dark point
Hi, can anyone tell me what this disease is? It's a young dwarf apple, malus braeburn. It looks like white fluffy mould, but when I have just sprayed it (like in the photo) the white fluff disappears and I see small brown lumps in clusters on the stems. They look like tiny insects but don't move at all, and when you squash them they produce a reddish-brown liquid.
Scab can't remove in apple plz suggest
Maybe black aphid's egg, on golden apple leaf backstroke. Green and black aphides are on the tree.
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
5 years ago
Hi Nazir Ahmad . It looks like Apple Scab and Thrips . Click on green link for knowing symptoms and taking control measures.
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