Whatis this type of disease called and how can be it control ed
Whatis this type of disease called and how can be it controlled
Know all about this virus and how to prevent it!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixWhatis this type of disease called and how can be it controlled
The color of apple leaf becomes yellowish
This insect is eating up the leaves of the tree how to save leaves from this insect
Leaves are effected and have some brown spots and leaves are becoming more harder and shrinking.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
Know all about your crop to increase your yield!
Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
5 years ago
How can it be controlled Mohd Arif Mohd Arif
5 years ago
Shabir But Mohd Arif Its Apple Mossaic Virus
5 years ago
Hi Shabir But I agree with Sharad Gupta your apple leave is infected by Apfelmosaik Virus . Click on the green link to get more informations and control measures on the plantix libary.
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5 years ago
اول شي تنظيم الري او السقي تاني شي ايش اخر دواء تم معالجت الشجره فيه وثالث شي عندك فيروس والفيروسات تنتقل عبر الذبابه البيضاء او الفراشه او المن او التربس او النطاط رابع شي يجب مكافحت الحشرات الناقله للمرض،وقبل عالج الاصابه واذا تمت المعالجه تهتم بلحشرات المزكوره اعلى علشان ماينتشر المرض في المحصول كله العلااج مبيد فطري بكتيري في نفس الوقت زي مثلآ التركيبه: 1 ميتالاكسيل 2 كربندازيم 3 ديفاكونازول ومن ثما تعتمد علا رش التركيبه الثانيه بعدها باربعه ايام التركيبه : هيدروكسيد النحاس طبعآ وهو فطري