What is this problem.??? Is this tree going to die.???
Some branches of this apple tree is good. Leaves, flowers.. but some branches are totally zero. Nothing in that. Above this point from the middle of tree, it's without leaves n flowers, u can see some branches of tree in picture.. Tree looks dying. What to do....
5 years ago
Yes, the middle is dead already! Could this be by lightning? Are there generally thunderstorms in your area? Feed the tree, nourishment comes first! But with this damage you will have diverse fungus and insects working on the wood already...
5 years ago
Could be the effect of last year drought. No snow, less rain. No proper chilling temp. Although trees are old, mid 80's n early 90's.
5 years ago
No effect of drought on new , young trees. Old one's effected... May be, this could be the victim.
5 years ago
Well, the branches going off to the sides are very thick-thus they take away the power for the middle... It was poorly saturated by this and more endangered to the infection through diseases. It seems to be some bacterial or fungus working on the wood ... In Germany we see this effect plus black open wood surface through "Diplodia mutila", which is a parasite of weakness by drought... But to keep it simple: the old trees tend to get a combination of many things, as a result of weakness. If you don't observe these effects on other trees nearby, cut off the dead wood and nourish the tree for it's last years coming up...
5 years ago
Plant the next tree as follower close to this one, depending on your available space...
5 years ago
Hi Harsh Mehta. It looks like and symptoms are similar to Fruit Tree Canker . Let's click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures.
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