Young apple with type of mould or rot on stem
Hi, can anyone tell me what this disease is? It's a young dwarf apple, malus braeburn. It looks like white fluffy mould, but when I have just sprayed it (like in the photo) the white fluff disappears and I see small brown lumps in clusters on the stems. They look like tiny insects but don't move at all, and when you squash them they produce a reddish-brown liquid.
5 years ago
Hi! It looks like mealybugs Check the symptoms here to confirmation: Cochonilha-farinhenta
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5 years ago
I think you're right! Thanks so much. Will mark as solved once treated and confirmed.
5 years ago
I agree with Mattana. To control this pest, you could remove the most attacked parts and spray neem oil.
5 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion! I'll have to go and buy some neem oil. I don't really want to cut off all infested parts as that would be most of the plant. I've also just seen a video on YouTube recommending spraying with a shampoo solution. What do you think?
5 years ago
5 years ago
soap solution with mineral oil is another suggestion
5 years ago
Hi Katherine Bartlett You can also use this solution Soap solution Ingredients: • 1 liter of water • 1% mineral oil (10 milliliters of oil) • 1% neutral detergent (10 milliliters of detergent) Mix the mineral oil in the soap. Subsequently, dissolve the soap and oil mixture in 1 L of warm water. Then place the dissolved soap in the remaining 9 L of water. Spray on the plants every 7 days. Source (Portuguese)