Plz identify the black small spots on apple fruit....
Small black minute spots on apple fruits..
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Learn more about PlantixSmall black minute spots on apple fruits..
Good Evening Sir ! Few days ago, We sprayed insecticide on quince apple.. And later we came to know the insecticide was Expired and moreover we Sprayed the overdose of the insecticide.Please help !!!
Give mi the sulations
Looks like cork spot and has damaged leaves like cork spot. The app suggest apple scab. Something else? Not a bird or weather damage. It's been a progressively worse problem Ince the season started.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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5 years ago
May be there were a cocoon of insects. Or Black Parlatoria Scale
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5 years ago
The problem is Flyspeck fungal diseases..
5 years ago
Mediterranean Fruit Fly ?
5 years ago
Flyspeck is a disease of maturing apples, caused by the fungus Zygophiala jamaicensis (also known as Schizothyrium pomi). Spores germinate when temperatures are between 60 and 83 degrees Fahrenheit (15-28 C.) for about 15 days, and relative humidity exceeds 95 percent. Flyspeck apple disease appears on fruits as a series of tiny black dots, typically in groups of 50 or more. Read more at Gardening Know How: Flyspeck Apple Disease – Information About Flyspeck On Apples
5 years ago
Plz help me in identifying this diseases... Fluid is oozing from the trunk of apple trees and the bark is becoming dark..
5 years ago
Thank you Vinod Dholta for the excellent efforts and insights on the Apple flyspeck disease. It was really helpful, I'm supposed to approach Alexander Kennepohl include this disease in plantix library. Please keep going👍
5 years ago
Thank you sir... Also include sooty blotch of apple in library....
5 years ago
Sometimes Fire Blight can also infest on bark. Fire blight, caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is a destructive disease affecting apple trees. Fire blight causes the formation of cankers on trunk, twigs and branches that oozes a pale tan, watery substance that darkens to brown when exposed to air. This substance leaves streaking on the trunk and branches. The cankers can be small, causing them to go unnoticed until the sprinIg flowers, young fruit and shoots begin to shrivel and discolor. Temperatures between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit accompanied by rainy conditions are the ideal environment for fire blight. Regularly monitor apple trees, and immediately remove and destroy infected parts of the tree. If the apple tree has been attacked by fire blight in the past, applying a preventive fungicide spray can help prevent future infections. Please review more details in plantix library. If you click on blue hyperlink that takes you to plantix library for more details. Thank you for your interest in plantix community!
5 years ago
Sali we will add it in the future. Thanks for the hint.
5 years ago
Noted with thanks!