
American Gooseberry Mildew

Podosphaera mors-uvae


Tóm lại

  • Fungal covering on leaves, fruits or shoot tips.
  • Early leaf drop.
  • Reduced shoot growth.

Cũng có thể được tìm thấy ở

1 Cây trồng
Lý chua


Triệu chứng

An off-white fungal covering grows on the leaves, fruits and shoot tips of the gooseberry. On currant plants, the leaves of the shoot tips exhibit an off-white fungal covering on the underside that can also extent to the upper side. The results can be early leaf fall and reduced shoot growth.

Các khuyến nghị

Kiểm soát hữu cơ

Cut back infected shoots. Use milk-water solutions, which function as natural fungicides (you can find tips in the main menu - information on plant diseases - preventive plant protection). Apply this solution every other day to the leaves.

Kiểm soát hóa học

Fungicides with Sulfuric , Difenoconazole and Azoxystrobin can be used.

Nguyên nhân gây bệnh

The fungus spreads on the plant via its spores. In summer, infection rates increase.

Biện pháp Phòng ngừa

  • Plant more resilient varieties in areas with high occurrence of Powdery Mildew.
  • Ensure sufficient distance between the plants to allow for good ventilation.
  • Give sufficient light to plants.
  • Provide a balanced nutrient supply.
  • Avoid extreme temperature changes.

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