O que tá acendo com meu tomate alguém sabe dizer o porquê das folhas estarem grossas e duras o meus outros pés de tomate não estão assim Sou nova criei minha porta tem 5meses ainda não sei muita coisa . Se alguém poder me ajudar agradeço de coração 💞
A folha está ficando grossa e dura , esta demorando a crescer .
5 anos atrás
Hi Jeiciane the problem which you face it mostly occur by due to Spider Mites have you noticed any insect in your plant? Also tell about watering how much time you watering in a day?
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Baixe o Plantix agora de graça!Jeiciane
5 anos atrás
Olá, eu rego elas 2 vezes ao dia . E inseto eu vejo umas minhocas ou largata preta
5 anos atrás
Jeiciane do you know the excess water damage the plant leaves the tips burning and yellowing of leaves mostly occure due to excess water just reduce watering and spray neem oil do not use any chemicals neem oil is harmless and effective for insects
5 anos atrás
Olha o inseto que está dando na minha plantação
5 anos atrás
Muito obrigada pela ajuda
5 anos atrás
Jeiciane we are always here for to help peoples there is many chemicals for control of this but let me suggest you benificial organic chemicals 25 to 30 ml neem oil in 1 ltr water+25 ml dettol mix all in 1 ltr water and wash the place where are insect or if few larvae then you can remove it by hand be aware from chemicals in home thank you
5 anos atrás
Jeiciane we are always here for helping peoples let me suggest you organic chemicals do not use poison type chemicals in home if there are few larvae remove it with hands or 30 ml neem oil and 25 ml dettol mix both in 1 ltr water and wash it with this its not harmful thank you for visiting us
5 anos atrás
5 anos atrás
Jeiciane Muito obrigado por visitar plantix estamos sempre ativos para ajudar os visitantes