Ácaro-hindustânico-dos-citros - Citros

Citros Citros


Qual produto devo pulverizar para a Cidra dar uns frutos sadios . Alguém pode me orientar?

Manchas no fruto da Cidra

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Hi Romulo Rezende .Citrus fruit infestation is Scale Insects.For control insect pest management fallow below measures. Control To get rid of scale insects prune and dispose of infested branches, twigs and leaves. When scale numbers are low they may be rubbed or picked off of plants by hand. Dabbing individual pests with an alcohol-soaked cotton swab or neem-based leaf shine will also work when infestations are light. Commercially available beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and lacewing, are natural predators of the young larval or “crawler” stage. Organic pesticides, like insecticidal soap and d-Limonene can also be used to kill the larvae. However, these products have very little persistence in the environment, so several applications during egg-hatching will be required for effective control. Azamax contains azadirachtin, the key insecticidal ingredient found in neem oil. This concentrated spray is approved for organic use and offers multiple modes of action, making it virtually impossible for pest resistance to develop. Best of all, it’s non-toxic to honey bees and many other beneficial insects. Horticultural oils and other safe, oil-based insecticides work by smothering insects and will control all pest stages, including adults which are protected from most other insecticides by their armor coverings. Fast-acting botanical insecticides should be used as a last resort. Derived from plants which have insecticidal properties, these natural pesticides have fewer harmful side effects than synthetic chemicals and break down more quickly in the environment.

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Gostaria de saber qual produto devo aplicar em qual proporção para quantos litros de agua?

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Quando devo colocar de enxofre para quantos litros de agua?

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Neem oil 200 ml + Soap 15 gm 20 ml of water 2 times/weekly.

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Romulo Rezende semente de limão cravo estão morrendo

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Depois de plantando uma 8 dias de nascido estão morrendo

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Quantas vezes devo aplicar esse produto?

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Boa Tarde A regiao aonde plantou é muito quente?

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Hi Romulo Rezende , citrus is affected by spider mite insect pest . For control to spray on wettable sulphur 3g per liter of water . More information for diagnosis and control measures review at Citrus Hindu Mite Thank you

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Tenho uma bomba de 10 Litros quantas vezes devo aplicar? Posso aplicar somente o enxofre ou pode ser misturado com os outros liquidos para pulverizar.

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Hi Romulo Rezende , spray 30 gram of wettable sulphur in 10 liters pump . Thank you

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É aconselhavel usar o enxofre em pó ou liquido . Qual produto vc acha aconselhável usar para acabar com as manchas do fruto da Cidra

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Yes. Wettable sulphur is organic product and its control the mite damage . Thank you

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Vou fazer isso obrigado pela dica.

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Vc tem Whatsapp?

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Voce esta irrigando bastante o pe de mamao

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B Romulo Rezende olá e um pouco sim

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E pq eu tenho uma leira de limão cravo toda nascida aí com 8 dias começou a morrer o que pode ser em por favor me ajude

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Gostaria de tirar uma duvida qual foi o metodo que vc plantou

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O pé de limão é aconselhável jogar agua em horários fresco .

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Eu vi na imagem aqui como foi plantado

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Romulo Rezende foi plantado uma semente atrás da outra

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Entendi mas usou esterco de gado curtido

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Romulo Rezende não eu usei momoma depois de 15 dia de nascido só um xerinho

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A mamona é muito forte foi isso que aconteceu com suas mudas

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Romulo Rezende mais tem leras que eu não botei momoma e tá morrendo do mesmo jeito

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Ola Romulo Rezende

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