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Carence en Azote

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Carence en Azote - Oliviers

Oliviers Oliviers


Quelle est le probléme qui rencontre ces feuilles d'olivier sachant q'un nombre limité qui a devenu de couleur jaune

Les feuilles dviennent de couleur jaune


Hi! These symptoms may indicate a nutritional deficiency. Adding compost to plants provides them with nutrients that help them thrive and flourish! Compost is decomposed organic matter, such as leaves and food scraps. Adding compost to soil improves its texture and health by allowing more airspace in between the particulates, creating better drainage. It also attracts earthworms, which create a healthy environment for your flowers and vegetables. You can add compost to your plants in several ways, including watering them with compost tea, amending your soil with compost, digging compost holes, and using compost as mulch. All of these methods will improve the quality of your garden soil.


Hii Oussama This could be Nitrogen Deficiency refer Plantix library for more information


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Thanks Sunil Sharma


Merci beaucoup Sunil Sharma Manejebem | Carol


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