Unparalleled remote sensing accuracy

— Powered by Plantix
Discover our unprecedented global ground-truthing solution – Perfect your existing remote sensing algorithms, and support expansion into new crops and country markets!
Our data effortlessly provides you with crop-specific, GPS-located, time-stamped, and real-time information collected using our advanced technology.
This global, consistent, repeatable, big data offering is a paradigm shift in accurate remote sensing algorithms. All powered by Plantix.

Refine your algorithms with precision

15 million farmers

Get optimal crop remote sensing accuracy

Dive into the behaviours of 15 million farmers in 102 countries through AI interpretation of 100 million photographs taken by farmers, verified by the farmers themselves and all images time-stamped, with GPS coordinates, and updated daily.

21 million opportunities

Boost insights with real-time, unique data capture

We have 21 million opportunities to capture GPS-located, time-stamped answers for ground-truthing. Refine algorithms that attempt to estimate farm behaviours, from tillage to harvest dates.

Automated access

Greater efficiency and productivity

Our API allows you to automate access to the very latest updates, streamlining your processes to ensure quicker processing times and, in turn, optimised workflows for increased productivity.

We utilised the Plantix data at my Stanford lab; its uniqueness and remarkable power were evident.
David Lobell
Department of Earth System Science
Stanford University

Ground-truthing solutions for the remote sensing and earth observation industries

Crop and crop health recognition
Capture data seamlessly

Plantix app captures data seamlessly through crop photography, then deploys AI and verifies the crop with the farmer. A crop health check completes the cycle.

100 million photos

Over the last six years, farmers have taken over 100 million photos using the app, helping us establish a comprehensive database.

GPS coordinates and time stamps

Each image can be precisely geo-located together with the date and time.

Ground-truthing of crops

1,000 data points is commonly cited as the minimum required for ML models. On average, our data includes over 50,000 images per country, focusing on specific crop combinations.

Geocoded answers
7.3 million farmers asked questions

By asking questions at the moment a photograph is taken we ensure all answers are time-stamped together with GPS coordinates and updated daily.

21 million opportunities

We have 21 million opportunities within the year to capture answers to the questions we pose.

Ground-truth answers

Our API provides automated access to ground-truthing answers to refine remote sensing algorithms. Ask Plantix farmer about: · Cover crop presence · Cover crop seed mix · Sowing date · Latest irrigation date · Irrigation method · Latest fertilizing date · Use of organic fertiliser · Tillage type etc.

Accuracy assured

We link questions directly to diagnoses, discouraging poorly considered answers. We are able ask the same question twice to see if the farmer varies their answer. Additionally, we conduct back-checks and audits to uncover patterns of errors.

Ground-truthing at scale

Two powerful datasets

Crop recognition

102 Countries

79 Crops

1,162 country:crop combinations


Each with more than 1,000 images

(on average >50,000 images per CCC)

Geocoded answers

39 Countries

71 Crops

224 country:crop combinations


Each with more than 1,000 responses

(77 CCC's with >10,000)

Using Plantix data, we mapped crop types in India at a high resolution. The scale and geographic coverage of the data are unique and unprecedented.
Sherrie Wang
d'Arbeloff Career Development Assistant Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

About Plantix

Plantix is the groundbreaking crop diagnosis app. With 35 million+ downloads in six years, Plantix spans 128 countries, speaking 18 languages, and covering 79 crops.

#1 app

for farmers worldwide

Connecting farmers and suppliers in one digital ecosystem

Generating big data…

really BIG data!

The app will reach 7.3 million farmers by the end of 2024. Its viral growth transcends continents and crops, expanding each day.
Plantix's global reach
Each dot represents an active user contributing to the app’s impressive impact. 
Plantix data revolutionizes agricultural insights, offering real-time advisories that empower smallholder farmers' decision-making in the agri-ecosystem.
Srikanth Rupavatharam
Head of Innovations Hub and Senior Scientist