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يساعد بلانتكس المزارعين في جميع أنحاء العالم على تحسين أساليبهم الزراعية.
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يساعد بلانتكس المزارعين في جميع أنحاء العالم على تحسين أساليبهم الزراعية.
تعرف على المزيد حول بلانتكسيساعد بلانتكس المزارعين في جميع أنحاء العالم على تحسين أساليبهم الزراعية.
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منذ 4سنوات
ااسلام عليكن Madani Saidi هذه اعراض للملديو ،لو تسمح أاصغذ على الرابط التالي : Downy Mildew of Cucurbits
هل لديك سؤال أيضاً؟
انضم الآن إلى أكبر مجتمع زراعي عبر الإنترنت واحصل على المساعدة التي تحتاجها!
احصل على تطبيق بلانتكس الآن مجانا!Fuzail
منذ 4سنوات
Hi Madani Saidi Agreed with diagnosis by Samira Ghouil سميرة غويل It's Downy Mildew of Cucurbits Please click on the above green hyperlink to get more info about this diseases 🙂🙂.
منذ 4سنوات
Madani Saidi Please also go through this information: The best way to prevent downy mildew is to avoid the environmental conditions that favor the disease. Prune or stake plants and remove any weeds to improve air circulation. Water in the early morning hours, or use a soaker hose, to give the plants time to dry out during the day. Keep the ground under infected plants clean during the fall and winter to prevent the disease from spreading. Remove and destroy any plants with serious infection (see Fall Garden Cleanup). Choose resistant varieties whenever possible. Downy mildew is comparatively easy to control on most plants when the foliage and fruit are kept protected by a copper spray. Begin treatments two weeks before disease normally appears or when weather forecasts predict a long period of wet weather. Alternatively, begin treatment when disease first appears, and repeat at 7-10 day intervals for as long as needed. The systemic action of Organocide® Plant Doctor moves throughout the entire plant to treat common disease problems. Mix 3/4 tsp per gallon of water and apply to foliage. Spray to run-off, as required for disease control. Thanks for using the plantix community 🙂🙂. Hope this information helps you
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